These courses are created specifically for school nurses! They are both relevant and convenient, providing practical insights that you can apply in your daily work. Each course is worth 1 continuing education (CE) hour. Delivered entirely online, these courses let you learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home or office, and you can easily pause and resume as needed for any interruptions. Boost your confidence, expand your knowledge, and enhance your skill set by enrolling today.

See you in the next lesson!

Remember to ask your school district if they will reimburse you for continuing education courses;

especially since they are required for maintaining your nursing license.


HOT TOPICS FOR NEW SCHOOL NURSES: Kickstart Your Career With Confidence Course- This course is perfect for new school nurses who are feeling a bit overwhelmed! It covers13 hot topics for new school nurses, provides practical tips and strategies!

The three overall course objectives are:

  1. List several personal areas of focus as a new school nurse

  2. Recognize techniques & strategies to build your confidence as a new school nurse

  3. Develop skills to address common health concerns in the school setting

Learn more HERE!

Building Bridges: The Importance of Networking & Mentoring for School Nurses- This course is perfect for both new school nurses and those with experience who want to learn about the importance of networking and mentoring to support and enhance their school nursing careers.

The three overall course objectives are:

  1. Identify the difference between mentoring and networking for school nurses.

  2. Recall three benefits of mentoring and networking for school nurses.

  3. Evaluate current mentoring and networking strategies.

There is also an assessment to help you evaluate your current networking and mentoring connections.

Sign up HERE to learn more before you enroll.

IEPs & School Nurses: An Essential Beginner Basics Course

This course is perfect for both new and experienced school nurses who want to gain a better understanding and have more confidence communicating about the IEP process.

The three overall course objectives are:

  1. Recognize the 13 special education IDEA disability categories.

  2. Identify the required IEP team members.

  3. Recognize the steps of the IEP process.

There is also an assessment to help you find out the percentage of students in any state that qualify for special education services.

Want to learn more before you enroll? Sign up HERE for more information and a free PDF document of common Special Education acronyms & abbreviations!

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