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Empowering school nurses with tools, connections, inspiration, and knowledge.

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as we work together to enhance the field of school nursing.

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Setting Work Boundaries Doesn't Have To Be Complicated

Setting boundaries at work doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, they can be pretty simple; the first step is just setting them. Work boundaries are needed to maintain a healthy and productive work environment.

Clear and well-defined work boundaries provide you with a sense of structure, which will help you understand role and responsibilities in the school setting. Simple work boundaries also contribute to work-life balance by establishing limits on work-related demands, preventing burnout, and promoting overall well-being.

Clear work expectations and limits create a positive atmosphere that supports collaboration and mutual respect among the school team members. Now, let’s take a look at 60 simple, yet effective, work boundaries that you can set!

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The School Nurse LLC official Facebook Page, Public Group, and Private Group for school nurses!

Join thousands of other school nurses in these supportive, online groups as we collaborate to promote student well-being and create healthier school environments. It's the perfect way to stay connected on the latest school health updates, wellness tips, and educational resources. Get involved in discussions, share your experiences, and access valuable resources that support your role as a school nurse. Click on the pictures below to like, follow, and join the groups- just remember to answer all of the membership questions.

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Follow on Instagram for an exclusive peek into my life of the school nurse!

Get behind-the-scenes snapshots, videos, & quotes showcasing the adventures and challenges of being a nurse in a school.

Click the photos below to see the most current Instagram feed.

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Diary Of A School Nurse- the original school nurse blog! Step into the world of school nursing reading the 'Diary of A School Nurse' blog.

Gain hopefully helpful resources, valuable insights, and heartfelt anecdotes that resonate with any school nurse passionate about fostering healthier school environments while supporting the well-being of students and advocating for school nurses in all schools.

Click the photo below to be redirected to the most current DOASN blog post.

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